5月30 輔仁大學哲學系學術演講邀請到Dominik Perler教授

日期:2023-05-12 18:43:34


【講題】 Suárez’s Compositional Account of Substance


【主講】Dominik Perler(德國柏林洪堡大學中世紀哲學講座教授)




【地址】新北市新莊區中正路510號 (捷運輔大站1號出口)







According to Francisco Suárez, a substance is literally composed of many entities and therefore displays a complex internal structure. The lecture examines this compositional account of substance, arguing that he radically transformed hylomorphism. It first looks at the thin substance, which consists of form and matter as the most basic entities. It pays particular attention to Suárez's thesis that these two entities are really distinct from each other and therefore in need of a special relation that connects them. The lecture then analyzes the thick substance, which has additional powers and properties. All of them are distinct entities that somehow enrich the form-matter compound. In providing this compositional account, Suárez presents metaphysics as a way of doing reverse engineering: we do not know what a substance is unless we decompose it in our thoughts and reconstruct it.

▲圖/輔仁大學哲學系學術演講--Dominik Perler教授:Suárez’s Compositional Account of Substance(翻攝輔仁大學官網)

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